
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

100 days challenge: day 2 pic(s)

Day 2: a picture of your best friends



Kaike (read it Portuguese style)

Love them, miss them and can't believe there's no photo with the four of us or the three of them together. Fortunately, I do have pics of me&each one of them :))

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

What I'd never buy again + Challenge

Every product that we buy it's usually weighed out from a couple of weeks to even months. The saddest part is when your discover that you've searched online for a suitable option on the market or you've given up eating breakfast last week and you're holding [in your hands] something that makes you feel damn frustrated.

Here's my [so far] small list:

1. Garnier Pure 3 in 1 Cleanser

 I've wrote about it here and I still haven't changed my mind (like I might do in the future with animal print). It's simply not working for me, it's very irritating to my skin and... I'd never buy it again [for me]

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Quick post: Miss Z giveaway

La Miss Z se castiga big time, ca doar are 500 de followeri! :D

Easy peasy: gasiti o geanta pentru tinuta ei si participati pana pe 6 august, poate aveti noroc sa ii placa cea propusa de voi!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Giveaways all month long [RO only]

Too much of anything can make you sick, even the good can be a curse. STOP. Stai ca nu merge asta cu giveaway-urile. Niciodata prea multe. Si in niciun caz nu stiu sa se fi plans cineva "Ba, frate, nu mai pot cu giveaway-urile astea din blogosfera romaneasca de beauty !". Si cine s-a plans era fie invidios fie halterofil. nu imi imaginez vreo tipa halterofila care sa stea toata ziua chitita pe mail, asteptand newsletterele de beauty, sa se mai inspire si ea de vreun LOTD pentru maine la antrenament sau ce-or face p-acolo.

Nici eu nu stau, dar am de exemplu o gagica in blogroll care are o postare cu ceva de castigat. Bun, zic. Hai, Laura, show me the goodies! :)) Intru si vaz: sa te abonezi prin GFC (bine ca stiu ce-i ala), sa dai like la pagina de Facebook a blogului, sa ai cont pe site-ul sponsorului, adicatelea

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Mini giveaway [RO only]

Update 21 Iulie: 
Am inclus in GA si niste mostre random Avon si Yves Rocher (1ml) + mostra Nivea Visage DNAge Cell Renewall Anti-Age System Eye Cream (5 ml) siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D mostra Shiseido Benefiance Intensive Nourishing and Recovery Cream (10 ml). Eu m-am entuziasmat mult cu crema asta si am zis sa testati, ca poate va place si voua.

Da, stiu sa scriu si in romana. Asta e prima fraza care mi-a venit in minte pentru a incepe acest post.
Am scris acum cateva saptamani despre gelul de curatare cu apa de la Vichy, pe care l-am folosit pana s-a terminat.

Pentru ca mi s-a parut destul de eficace, m-am gandit sa cumpar unul si pentru voi, cele care vreti sa il testati sau cele care vreti sa il folositi in continuare.
De asemenea, voi adauga si o crema hidratanta tri-activa tot de la Vichy, cumparata o data cu gelul, careia Anda Zelenca i-a facut review aici. Recunosc ca eu nu am folosit-o atat de des pe a mea, asa ca nu pot sa spun ca e magica. Dar pot sa spun ca nu e de trecut cu vederea, tinand cont ca eu am un ten al dracului de sensibil si nu mi l-a deranjat deloc. :D

Asadar premiul va consta in:

1. una bucata Vichy Normaderm Purifying Cleansing Gel 100 ml

2. una bucata Vichy Normaderm Tri-Activ Anti-Imperfection Hydrating Cream 30 ml

Nota bene: voi folosi probabil pentru a alege O SINGURA CASTIGATOARE. In eventualitatea utilizarii unui alt programel, voi adauga un later edit.
Later edit: list randomizer X 3
Nota bene 2: produsele date ca premiu nu sunt nici macar testate. Fie ma credeti pe cuvant, fie nu participati. Easy peasy.
Nota bene 3: Fetele care ma urmaresc deja au o intrare in plus.

Si acum regulile. Eu zic sa le cititi bine. Nu va suparati ca spun asta, dar am observat ca au mai fost GA la care fetele au fost descalificate pentru ca nu au citit cu atentie cele doua, hai 3 reguli. Asa se ajunge la descalificare.
  1. Sa ma urmariti prin GFC
  2. Sa raspundeti la intrebarea: care a fost cea mai complexa carte pe care ati citit-o si de ce ati afirma asta in legatura cu acea carte? 

Distribuiti giveaway-ul pe pagina voastra PERSONALA* de Facebook / pe blog [+1]
Lasati un comentariu la un post de pe blog, altul decat acesta [+1]

*In caz ca profilul vostru este privat si nu va am in lista de prieteni, va trebui sa imi trimiteti o cerere de prietenie aici pentru a verifica ulterior intrarea suplimentara. Altfel nu veti fi punctate.

Lasati un UN SINGUR COMENTARIU care sa contina:
  • numele folosit pentru a ma urmari prin GFC
  • raspunsul la intrebare
  • link-ul catre postul de pe Facebook (daca e cazul)
  • copy+paste la comentariul lasat pe blog (daca e cazul)
GFC Alexandra Andrei
Cea mai complexa carte citita a fost The Da Vinci Code. Cu toate ca e un text fictiv, cred ca exista un sambure de adevar in spatele povestii. Doar ca religia - una din cele mai mari minciuni vandute la propriu omului vreodata - a reusit sa distorsioneze orice adevar istoric, astfel incat omul de rand e fie prins intre principiile ce l-au indoctrinat din copilarie si informatiile stiintifice descoperite ca adult, fie e atat de spalat pe creier incat nu accepta existenta altei realitati decat cea familiara. Dan Brown nu e un eretic, e un scriitor, iar romanul chiar poate fi incadrat in categoria "politist".  Nu e o carte care iti va schimba viata, dar poate ca te va face sa iti pui si mai multe intrebari vizavi de existenta.
Am dat share/ distribuit giveaway-ul aici: [link facebook]
Comentariu: eu nu ma tund singura pentru ca sunt un dezastru cand vine vorba sa experimentez ceva pe propria persoana

Giveaway-ul incepe din acest moment si are ca deadline data de 30.07.2011, ora 23:59, iar numele castigator va fi anuntat in data de 01.08.2011 si va avea la dispozitie fix 48 de ore sa ma contacteze de vrea premiul. De nu, trag iarasi la sorti. That's it, sweeties! Va doresc multa bafta! 

Trimming your hair at home: say what?

I know a couple of girls terrified by the bangs that have grown since their last visit to the hairstylist's. Calm down, you don't have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment, just grab some scissors.

Cut a bit from here, a bit over there....but the hair doesn't look better even if it's shorter. You then tell yourself never to do that again. But it's hard not to. That's why it's best to be sure you follow some simple 'rules':

Monday, 18 July 2011

This or that tag!

Time to let you girls know more about me. Thanks a bunch to Andreea, who's been that sweet to pass it on!
So...without any's my list:

Blush or bronzer: I go for blush, it highlights the girlie part in me
Lip gloss or lipstick: I like my lips to be sticky and shiny, therefore I choose lip gloss
Eyeliner or mascara: mascara; can't imagine a look without it
Foundation or concealer: foundation, of course
Neutral or color eye shadow: neutral
Pressed or loose eye shadows: pressed
Brushes or sponges: sponges for the face, brushes for the eyes and lips

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Hair vs/and sun

Many girls have talked about how important is to take care of your skin if you arre exposed to sunrays and whether it is bad or not to use bronzer instead.
Moreover, after reading about Laura's advice on taking care of our precious lips, I thought it to be appropriate to say a few words about hair protection. I go. :)

Monday, 11 July 2011

Online shopping: digging

Most of you have heard of this site and some actually bought their online items. In most cases what you see is what you get, but not always. There are quality, design, color and size differences BUT if you want a 300$ designer dress, there are plenty of shops where you can buy it from (and not this one).

Done a bit of an online "research" and here are some links that show you the differences between shop products and actual items.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Haistylist & hairstyle

How would you like you hair shorter?
Let's see...

In an ideal situation, the client and the hairstylist make a wonderful team: the hairstylist offers an idea and the client agrees if the professional arguments provided are far more convincing than the latter's. But this ideal case ir rarely seen. Most of the times, the client is not able to give a detailed description of what she's looking for and the hairstylist does not try to understand her demandings, so the result consists of a two-sided dissatisfaction.

Therefore this question is certainly pertinent:
How can I correctly choose the hairdresser?

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Avon vs Nivea vs Garnier Anti-cellulite: Review

Here's a review that some of you girls might find helpful, now that summer's here, you've bought THE bikini and what's left is a decent skin to show off.

Some thoughts before getting started: 
Although nowadays media is just a poisonous tool that encourages Photoshop retouching, most of the women crave for a flawless skin. Cellulite is for life, ladies. You can't get rid of it like you can't get rid of herpes or dandruff. The one thing you can consider doing is keeping it under "treatment" and not only around summer time. The same way you brush your teeth everyday, you apply a moisturizing cream on your face and body, you take a shower and all the daily things you do...this is a must! This is taking care of yourself. Otherwise, just stop caring and complaining. I'm not the one to advise on healthy diets, fitness, how to live your life etc and I only wanted to say that, in addition of the above-mentione, I also used some help.

First, I went on with the cheapest. :( And that's Avon Sollutions Cellu-Sculpt 3X Tri-Roller Anti-Cellulite Treatment

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