Asa ca pana maine 31.05.2011 la ora 0:00 aveti timp sa intrati AICI si sa va inscrieti. Multa bafta!
Monday, 30 May 2011
Giveaway by RZK (RO only)
Iata ca am nimerit si eu ultima zi in care se mai poate participa la giveaway-ul organizat de viitorul sot al Iuliei! Maaama, cum suna asta :))
Acesta e premiul (mai mult decat tentant!!!) si pentru a putea intra in posesia lui trebuie sa urmati 3 reguli simple, cea mai dificila fiind sa gugaliti si sa uploadati O POZA (una singura) cu o rochie de mireasa care i-ar putea fi pe plac Iuliei, dar in special lui RZK.
Asa ca pana maine 31.05.2011 la ora 0:00 aveti timp sa intrati AICI si sa va inscrieti. Multa bafta!
Asa ca pana maine 31.05.2011 la ora 0:00 aveti timp sa intrati AICI si sa va inscrieti. Multa bafta!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Post of the day + giveaway (open WW)
I did have lots of ideas for "Fave Etsy shop of the day" but I also wanted to re-post something I've found on Luisa's blog, a text that she has found via Natalie's blog :D It goes like this:
Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve. Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve. Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Fave Etsy shop of the day + WW giveaway
Pocket mirrors are a must, I'm telling you! And since you take one with you wherever you go, why don't make the experience funnier, jollier, happier?
The ones that don't need a cute little mirror in their bags/purses etc. should stop reading now. The rest of you, girl should take a look at PaperandPress' Etsy shop, where you can find all sorts! Caution: for those of you who fall in love easily, it's a risky thing: it may cause addiction. I did fall for these:
Moving on to another Sigma giveaway, HERE's Deia offering to one lucky reader a Travel E25 Blending Brush
All you have to do is click HERE to enter and why not, maybe win! Lots of luck! Note that the GA ends June 10th.
The ones that don't need a cute little mirror in their bags/purses etc. should stop reading now. The rest of you, girl should take a look at PaperandPress' Etsy shop, where you can find all sorts! Caution: for those of you who fall in love easily, it's a risky thing: it may cause addiction. I did fall for these:
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Red Ruby Slippers Pocket Mirror - can pe personalized |
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Fairy Dust Pocket Mirror |
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Black and White Houndstooth Pocket Mirror |
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Union Jack Pocket Mirror |
Moving on to another Sigma giveaway, HERE's Deia offering to one lucky reader a Travel E25 Blending Brush
All you have to do is click HERE to enter and why not, maybe win! Lots of luck! Note that the GA ends June 10th.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Fave Etsy shop of the day + WW giveaway
I wasn't always fond of art print but I discovered what a change can produce some designs in your life. Today I'm in love with 2ndcoming's Etsy shop. It's got wondeful stuff! Check some of my faves:
You should definitely pay it a visit. You won't regret it, I can guarantee that!
Now the goodies! :) Ami from the MakeupDrawer is hosting one fabulous giveaway, sponsored by Sigma! To participate in the giveaway and have one shot at the prize, enter HERE until June 2nd.
YES! It's the F80!
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Strongly vaginal: Frida Kahlo |
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Taste of New York |
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Edgar Allen Poe, Annabel Lee |
Now the goodies! :) Ami from the MakeupDrawer is hosting one fabulous giveaway, sponsored by Sigma! To participate in the giveaway and have one shot at the prize, enter HERE until June 2nd.
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YES! It's the F80!
Monday, 23 May 2011
Fave Etsy shop of the day
Hey, everyone! Gotta say that I'm a big fan on Etsy and everything around there. You know how people say that social networks also bring together people from all around the world? Well, that's exactly the same with this site. Look what I found today: VIKuKA HandCrafted Jewelry (from Israel). The shop is so amazing and lots of items are not expensive at all.
And this is my favorite item from the shop:
Let me know if you find your favorite item and which one is it. Love!
And this is my favorite item from the shop:
Let me know if you find your favorite item and which one is it. Love!
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Happy Melkior giveaway (RO only)
Cupcake Splendens organizeaza un giveaway cu ajutorul celor de la pentru a oferi unei cititoare 4 produse care nu ar trebui sa lipseasca niciunei femei:
Pana pe 31.05.2011 puteti intra AICI pentru a va anunta participarea. Bafta mare, ca e nevoie :D
Pana pe 31.05.2011 puteti intra AICI pentru a va anunta participarea. Bafta mare, ca e nevoie :D
Fraulein giveaway (RO only)
e-cosmetic gazduieste un giveaway special ce are ca premiu o trusa de machiaj Fraulein cu 120 de nuante!
Ca sa va inscrieti, trebuie sa urmati 3 reguli foaaarte simple pe care le puteti gasi AICI. Aveti timp sa va anuntati participarea pana pe data de 28.05.2011, numele castigatoarei urmand sa fie anuntat pe 31.05.2011.
Va doresc multa bafta tuturor!!!
Ca sa va inscrieti, trebuie sa urmati 3 reguli foaaarte simple pe care le puteti gasi AICI. Aveti timp sa va anuntati participarea pana pe data de 28.05.2011, numele castigatoarei urmand sa fie anuntat pe 31.05.2011.
Va doresc multa bafta tuturor!!!
AMBERLYN'S BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY (for Romanian postal adresses only!)
Amberlyn is hosting a giveaway on her blog to celebrate her birthday. You can win a Sigma brush, Rangali cosmetics, Jewels from Cristina Maslina and Endea Soap cosmetics. International entries are allowed ONLY if you happen to have some contact in Romania that could receive the prize in your behalf (and send it to you afterwards). If you want to enter the giveaway click here
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Dana's first giveaway (RO only)
Crazy giveaway! (RO only)
Stefania ofera cititoarelor sale un mix de accesorii ce consta in: set (cercei +pandantiv ) realizat din sarma argintata si onix, un inel reglabil cu o margica turcoaz reconstituit, o brosa floare din voal, o pereche de cercei albinute din fimo si o pereche de ochelari Clear lens (wayfarer).
Pana pe 1 Iunie (ora 22) aveti timp sa intrati AICI si sa va inscrieti. Asa cum spune si Stefania, tu poti fi marea castigatoare! Sau eu! Sau ea! :) Bafta tuturor fetelor!
Pana pe 1 Iunie (ora 22) aveti timp sa intrati AICI si sa va inscrieti. Asa cum spune si Stefania, tu poti fi marea castigatoare! Sau eu! Sau ea! :) Bafta tuturor fetelor!
Cristina S' first giveaway (RO only)
Cristina S organizeaza primul ei giveaway, fericind DOUA castigatoare cu urmatoarele premii:
Premiul I
Premiul II
Iar premiul III care e mai mult decat o consolare se adreseaza "fetelor din Ramnic" si consta intr-un SET DE UNGHII FALSE sau INTRETINERE + MODEL.
Asadar, intrati pe blog pana pe 01.01.2011, urmati regulile enuntate si tineti pumnii cat mai stransi. Va doresc si eu bafta!
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Sigma Travel E25 blending brush |
Premiul I
Premiul II
Iar premiul III care e mai mult decat o consolare se adreseaza "fetelor din Ramnic" si consta intr-un SET DE UNGHII FALSE sau INTRETINERE + MODEL.
Asadar, intrati pe blog pana pe 01.01.2011, urmati regulile enuntate si tineti pumnii cat mai stransi. Va doresc si eu bafta!
Sigma Synthetic Face Kit Giveaway (RO only)
Camy's beauty corner organizeaza un giveaway cu pensule care iti pot schimba fata. La propriu. :)
Regulile sunt simple si le puteti regasi aici. Mare atentie sa postati un singur comentariu si asta pana pe 29 Mai. Multa bafta!
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Sigma Synthetic Face Kit |
Friday, 20 May 2011
Sigma Synthetic Face Kit Giveaway (WW)
Ana from Ana Make-up is having a Sigma giveaway on her blog (<--). Since the rule are in Romanian and the giveaway is international, I thought that it would be okay to take the place of G translator and here's what you have to do:
1. Like her Facebook page
2. Post about the giveaway on your blog (if you own one) OR share on Facebook (if you don't have a blog)
3. Enter HERE and leave a comment that should include the link to where you have posted about the giveaway and your email adress.
The goodies:
This set includes:
Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki
Sigma F82 Round Top Kabuki
Sigma F84 Angled Top Kabuki
For the original post about the giveaway, click RIGHT HERE. You have time to enter until May 31st, 23:59 in Romania (that's GMT+2 time). Good luck!
1. Like her Facebook page
2. Post about the giveaway on your blog (if you own one) OR share on Facebook (if you don't have a blog)
3. Enter HERE and leave a comment that should include the link to where you have posted about the giveaway and your email adress.
The goodies:
This set includes:
Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki
Sigma F82 Round Top Kabuki
Sigma F84 Angled Top Kabuki
For the original post about the giveaway, click RIGHT HERE. You have time to enter until May 31st, 23:59 in Romania (that's GMT+2 time). Good luck!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Electric blue and Dior Lip gloss giveaway! [RO only]
Am gasit o geanta tare draguta si culmea, constituie obiectul unui giveaway! Aniversarea unui an in blogosfera! La cat mai multi si de acum inainte!
Daca aruncati un ochi pe blogul Living in a shoe veti putea sa ve inscrieti si cine stie cui ii va surade norocul.
In plus, daca postati si pe blog despre giveaway, pe langa acest superb plic puteti sa mai "impuscati" o sansa: cea de a fi mega-fericita posesoare a unui gloss Dior. In caz ca doriti sa participati, nu trebuie decat sa intrati aici pana pe 20 mai si sa urmati etapele necesare inscrierii. Bafta, fetelor!
Daca aruncati un ochi pe blogul Living in a shoe veti putea sa ve inscrieti si cine stie cui ii va surade norocul.
In plus, daca postati si pe blog despre giveaway, pe langa acest superb plic puteti sa mai "impuscati" o sansa: cea de a fi mega-fericita posesoare a unui gloss Dior. In caz ca doriti sa participati, nu trebuie decat sa intrati aici pana pe 20 mai si sa urmati etapele necesare inscrierii. Bafta, fetelor!
RO only giveaway
Andrada de la Cool Cosmetics organizeaza un giveaway pe blog pentru ca a depasit pragul de 200 de followeri! :D La cat mai multi! Cu ocazia asta a pus la bataie doua super premii:
Premiul I cu coronita va primi:
Premiul II e si el foarte atragator si consta in:
Pentru a va inscrie la giveaway, dati o geana aici. Mai aveti timp pana pe 14 mai. Succes!
Premiul I cu coronita va primi:
- Noul Rimel Maybelline One By One Volum Express Mascara -Black
- Trusa de machiaj FRAULEIN 38 cu 96 nuante
- Oja Barry M Nail Paint nuanta 306 Blueberyy
- O pereche de cercei cu fundite
Premiul II e si el foarte atragator si consta in:
- Trusa de machiaj Lady Rose
- Oja Wet and Wild nuanta Black Creme
- Intaritor de unghii Wet and Wild
- Base Coat Wet and Wild
- O pereche de cercei cu fluturi
Pentru a va inscrie la giveaway, dati o geana aici. Mai aveti timp pana pe 14 mai. Succes!
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